Friday, 30 March 2007

Puzzle # 20 - Unsolved Mystery

Clue 1: FRAlings

Clue 2: DP

Clue 3: Chilly

What's the Trylateral?


catcharun said...

Poisson distribution

FRAlings - French fish - poisson

DP - Distribution of Probability

Chilly - the temperature changes in a year can be represented by a poisson distribution with a sigma of..i lost it there didnt i?

Vijay Sarathy said...

How about this?

FRAlings - small part of FRANCE - Champagne
DP - Dom Perignon
Chilly - Should be served chilled

Trylateral - Champagne

anantha said...

brilliant guess. i wish i could reward vijay with points for this. but the 3rd guess is a lil weak, doncha think?

pbzeppelin said...

where do i go with this...

chilly = c + hilly = c + billy = billy crystal

FRAlings - could it be Rhine - sounds like RYan (Meg)

DP : Workin on this...

TL - When Harry Met Sally?

q said...

FRAlings => FRAnkfurtlings ==> Frankfurters (like earthlings => inhabitants of earth)

DP - Dobermann Pinscher --> a variety of hot dog

Chilly - phonetically chilli the sauce that goes well with a Hot Dog

Hence TL -> HOT DOG

Unknown said...

A wild guess...something on the lighter side. :)

1) FRAlings -> French for babies -> bebes -> Bebe S -> Bebe Stevens -> character from South Park

2) DP -> could stand for Derriere Pate -> Butt-head as in Beavis & Butt-head

3) Chilly -> Chilly Beach

So TL is adult animation programmes.

pbzeppelin said...

FRAlings - french for dear ones - chere - cherry - could be cherry r c or cherry coke

DP - Dr pepper

chilly - cold drink or could refer to cactus cooler or coolah energy


pbzeppelin said...

FRAlings - Small French boys = French Guys = French Guayana - Cayenne

DP - Dr Pepper

Chilly = Chilli = pepper

TL - Pepper ?

pbzeppelin said...

101 dalmatians?

pbzeppelin said...

frankfurters - hot dogs - stolen
dial police - 101 or cd be doberman PINSCHER - thief
chilly - cruel - cruella de vil