Clue 1: Metalworker
Clue 2: Fair
Clue 3: Panorama
Who's the Trylateral?
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A new game for idle minds. RULES: 1. I'll give you 3 seemingly unrelated clues. 2. You'll have to think laterally and connect these clues to a person, animal, bird or thing. 3. You can post your solution in the comments section. 4. The one who cracks the puzzle first gets one brownie point from me. 5. I will put out a thousand puzzles in the next one year. The person with the most number of brownie points will be crowned as the champ.
ted turner?
clue 1 - turner
clu 3 - vista - longhorn
fair - white horse
Clue 1: Metalworker -> Smith -> Agent Smith
Clue 2: Fair -> White -> Elf -> Elrond
Clue 3: Panorama -> Vista -> V ?
Who's the Trylateral? - Hugo Weaving
clue 1 : goldsmith - goody 2 shoes - could be ref to jade goody or shilpa
1. black smith
TL = lady smith black mombasa
Anything to do with Carl Faberge??
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