Thursday, 5 April 2007


Don't make me spit on your face. Get up. Stand up. And gimme a fight. It's so many of you versus me. And yet there are so many unsolved mysteries. Pity. Are you up to it? Or did I overestimate your abilities? Show me some spine, will ya?


Nimish V Adani said...

Anantha, please check Puzzle #16. :)

Kaevan said...

and #29 as well

pbzeppelin said...

hey - not been seeing any updates for a while...

what time zone do you operate on?

anantha said...

nimish & kaevan have showed their spines. what abt the others? got any?

pbzeppelin said...

not a fair comment ananta..

some of the older puzzles have new posts...some seem right!

Unknown said...

Anantha, please check puzzle #17

anantha said...

yeah, checked it. good work.

riskophile said...

Puzzle #6 too, please..

Vijay Sarathy said...

Could you check #39 too. Thanks